Friday, May 27, 2011

Madd Hatta Morning Show: WORST SHOW EVER! Part 2

Okay, this may not have nothing to do with the weak-ass show but the box still smell like dog shit! pick up where the fuck I left off, before you suckas call me a "hater" just for the fact I am speaking the truth the deejays that caught hurtful feelings about the Trae Day shooting, you flat-out suck and J-Mac is a rat. Worse than Jessica Tata's felony murder charges, these motherfuckers exploit our children every second through a damn sex song and poppin' pussies and bottles in clubs. So, who will put a stop to this insanity? If Radio One doesn't shape up and fly right, radio fans will have to seek the underground full of pirated stations to hear their morning gossip (which I call B.S. like Chris Brown's F.A.M.E.). Forgive All My Enemies? I think not. Just like MTV and BET banned Game's new single "Red Nation" consisting of too much "blood-related" content. Many of us have friends that are real gangsters but Lil Wayne's a fake but no one's listening. I bet you KBXX will be sucked into believing the major's lies about gang affiliations. I, D-Fyant J is no-way-in-hell affiliated with gangs, knows what's real and what's not. While these rappers fantasize about living large like Tony Montana like they sold kilos of cocaine, fucking hot bitches, and worst word of them all: swag. Yeah Diddy had the nerve to call himself that. I'd call him "Jack" and be gone with it. Okay, enough with the bullshit and back to reality, how do these weak-ass deejays play too much Young Money minute after minute after minute?? No room for H-Town artists, nothing but bullshit. Like yesterday, after Lil Wayne's new single "How To Love", then came the fakest bitch of them all: Nicki Minaj, claiming she "Did It On 'Em" which I was unimpressed by the wackiness of the character. Every celebrity does not have the balls to say it but I do: Nicki is wack and so does YM. Why are we hearing these pussies whining like fucked uteruses with tons of penises took turns fucking? So ok, is Terri Thomas fucked in the head too? Of course, the closed-minded freak is behind this Trae ban. Just like that, I don't need you bitches playin' my shit if I make music, and if I do, my first priority is save the children and kill the box, I mean, The Ban.

And to top it off: I'm on Trae's side.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Madd Hatta Morning Show: WORST SHOW EVER!!! Part 1

Usually, I be on my headphones listening to Brotha Lynch Hung, Hata Proof, and some more talented underground rappers from across the nation, why my mother tune in to that lame-ass show every morning on our way to work? To be honest, Missy Madd ain't funny and J-Wack sucks at rapping...NOBODY FUCKING CARES WHAT YOU DO, FUCKBOY! I try my best to blast my headphones as loud as fuck to avoid the speculations of idiocracy and the bullshit music list they play, aka Young Money. I know this but some of those fucks are talentless and cannot rap for shit and ever since Lil Wayne fell off after Tha Carter, I've stopped fucking with dude's music. Now as for this Drake scumbag, not hatin' but I can't stand his whiny-ass voice and Nicki Minaj is the same. This is how us real fans get treated into: SHIT, looking into the streets to support our locals because THE BOX is to stupid and irrelevant to play some hometown hits, except Beyonce, except she lives in NEW YORK CITY! Now back to this lame-ass morning show starring Fag Hatta, Fatass Nnete and J-Wack. Ever since 2000, I've stopped listening to the radio altogether, right? But wasn't complete until KPTY switched to 93.3 from 104.9 then went completely silent but at least they showed some H-Town love unlike KBXX they have FAILED to pay homage to Houston, FAILED to play some underground hip-hop, and FAILED MISERABLY to keep the streets locked down with some real shit. Corny isn't it? I know you feeling me, playa but let's be honest: will KBXX play your music when you want to showcase your talent? 9 out of 10 the answer will be no. Who they all play? Fakes like Nicki, Drake, Rihanna, and Soulja Bitch...fuck it, the majority of Young Money!!! They're hot to them but they're NOT to yep I'm always on some real shit like Trae Tha Truth (yeah you bitches banned him thanks to Fatass Nnete and I remember July 23, two weeks from my 26th B-Day at that damn time and weeks later, firing Krackernuttz after playing Chamillionaire's "Won't Let You Down" the Houston Remix and Brandi Garcia (my mother's favorite) after she was caught playing Wacka Flocka Flame with Trae Tha Truth on the remix and you won't believe who told: J-WACK aka J-RAT FROM CONROE! KBXX is some major hoes and bitches. Sucks that many rappers from Houston are afraid to say it but a few like Houston pioneer K-RINO from the South Park Coalition isn't scared to speak his mind about these lames. Man, if H-Town rappers could take the stand against the only mainstream radio station in the city and take 'em all the fuck out, then we would have nothing to worry about. So I will leave this to all KBXX haters: Are you ridin' with Trae Tha Truth with Street King drops on June 28 or will you be another Madd Hatta's groupies and kiss ass like da boi genius?

By the way, if you talk about the Dub Car Show that went down Sunday, I'm glad I wasn't there, it was prolly wack. Like I was fuckin' with Vago, formerly of Hata Proof now Million Dollar Circle, told me he wasn't goin', pretty much having to run Hata Proof Records off Little York and as for myself, I was proudly chillin' at home, jamming and exploring new talents from the underground, including Vago. (Let Da Mind Go was a great CD, still jamming that real sheeeeit!!!!!!) But yeah, if you want to come get @ homey, hit up Hata Proof off Little York at 59. You won't be disappointed. Shit, Dope House need to drop something and QUICK. I'm sick of THE BAN aka THE FLOP aka THE BOX!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My 1st Blog...EVER!

Man, I don't even know what I feel is either this or that? But to be honest with you, I've never been a blogger. But I will speak on what I feel that needs to be right. First, I am D-Fyant J, aspiring rapper, the one who chops and screws, the one whose unafraid to take it beyond the level which those that too scared to either speak in order to keep respect of others. I don't care anymore, the wrong must be turned into a right. So, if I have something to address, I will address it...fuck all that sugar-coating shit (where most people do) I will keep it raw and handy.

Debuted: 05-17-11...holla at me!